It is very quick and easy to buy or sell Bitcoin as well as other cryptocurrency using popular cryptocurrency exchanges such as Binance or Kraken. The exchanges support a whole host of local payment meto for buying as well as exchanging cryptocurrencies. In many cases, payment cards are also available to pay with cryptocurrency in stores and withdraw from ATMs. All you have to do is register on one of the available exchanges and you can start your adventure with cryptocurrencies. Other ways are Bitomats (ATMs – bitcoin, still in a small number of locations, but the number is growing) or people-to-people exchanges like Paxfull, but classic exchanges are by far the most popular method of exchanging cryptocurrencies.
It is certainly the most popular cryptocurrency, accepted in more places than other cryptocurrencies. However, it is impossible to say unequivocally that it is the best digital currency. There is actually no answer to this question. Different cryptocurrencies have their own advantages and disadvantages and will be suitable or less suitable for a particular person. It is impossible to compare BTC and USDT, for example. There are many useful cryptocurrencies and very well, the more solid coins the better. This is not a sports competition, besides Bitcoin there is room for Ripple, Dash, Litecoin, Bitcoin Cash and many other highly useful cryptocurrencies.