Describing the matter in a formal way the site deals with this more professional, high quality side of betting by describing brokers and bookies who differ from the vast majority of bookmakers on the market in two respects. First, winners are welcome, meaning better limits. And secondly, high odds. That’s it in a strong nutshell. And third, trust and loyalty. With a lot of cheating on the part of operators, the PRO niche seems a much calmer and more loyal haven from both sides, player and operator. We want to present all this and honestly to the players. But it’s better to start at the beginning, i.e. how did this site come about and what else does it want to convey to players?
Behind everything is the main author, that is me, my name is Danny Pond. I have been interested in betting for many years, since my school days. I started like everyone else, that is, stationary points and then as online betting gained popularity I created my first accounts with recreational bookmakers. After about 2 years of such a game and a negative balance I decided to improve my game and started educating myself and searching for a suitable place to bet and that’s how I came across Pinnacle bookmaker and I stuck to it for many years. After a couple of years I was virtually capped at most recreational bookmakers. Unfortunately, Pinnacle went out of my market and I was left without a bookie with high odds and limits. And so began my adventure with brokers. My first broker was and still is Asianconnect, I use them for about many years. I also use other brokers as an option and to supplement for live streams from bookmakers with direct access, who meet the basics for successful play. And only such are presented on our site, if it is different do not be afraid to write about abuses by bookies and brokers.
Decalogue bookie broker
Practice-based evaluation of operators
Each site described, whether broker, bookmaker has been tested in practice. Some in the form of a test in a shorter period of time, but many have been used by us for many years.
High margin? No, thank you
There is no place on our site for bookmakers with high margins. High odds are the best long-term bonus a player can get and we stick to that.
High limits
A few winning bets and a limit imposed on your account? Probably every player in his career has encountered this. On our site you will not find this type of bookmakers.
General security
Long-standing presence in the market, paying players on time, licenses and many other factors that affect the broader security are always taken seriously.
For all players
Whether you are a professional player or a beginner our content is for you and we believe that no player should be excluded from access to quality betting products.